Hambleton District Business directory Page 44
> United Kingdom > England > North Yorkshire > Northallerton > Hambleton District
Hambleton District entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing informations of address, hours and reviews. You can add your own company entry or organization here.
Hambleton District entries
There were 2559 entries found
7 Hillside, Thornton Le Moor
01609 780 695 |
4-5 Town Hall Buildings, High Street
01609 760 333 | |
01609 760 222 |
Standard Way, Standard Way Business Park
01609 778 228 | |
01609 783 228 |
Stamford House, High Street
01609 777 757 | |
01609 772 537 |
Cities & surrounding
Hambleton District branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Husthwaite
- Aldwark
- Alne
- Angram Grange
- Bilsdale Midcable
- Birkby
- Brafferton
- Burneston
- Cowesby
- Coxwold
- Crathorne
- Dalby-cum-Skewsby
- Deighton
- East Rounton
- Eldmire with Crakehill
- Ellerbeck
- Exelby, Leeming and Newton
- Fawdington
- Great Langton
- Great Smeaton
- High Worsall
- Kepwick
- Kirkby
- Kirklington-cum-Upsland
- Leake
- North Otterington
- Romanby
- Rookwith
- Great and Little Broughton
- Seamer
- Ingleby Arncliffe
- Sessay
- Snape with Thorp
- Sexhow
- Skipton-on-Swale
- South Cowton
- Sowerby-under-Cotcliffe
- Theakston
- Thirkleby High and Low with Osgodby
- Thirsk
- Thornton-le-Beans
- Well (Hambleton District)
- West Harlsey
- Whenby
- Whorlton (Hambleton District)
- Winton, Stank and Hallikeld
- Danby Wiske with Lazenby
- Hornby
- Hutton Rudby
- Kilburn High and Low
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Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Hambleton District in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Hambleton District with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | Hambleton District |
Latitude: | 54.2502600 |
Longitude: | -1.3370800 |